\\\ Typesetting Diceware Word Lists
The Makefile in this directory creates the following files.
Note: This stuff is written to work on my OpenBSD system. YMMV.
The packages to install are heirloom-doctools and ibm-plex.
The environment must be set up to find troff and the fonts:
export TROFFONTS=/usr/local/share/fonts/ibm-plex
Diceware word list typeset for an A6 paper size.
Front and back matter of dw.pdf on A4 sheets, for duplex printing.
Allows these to be printed on different paper than the body.
PDF format (never mind the extension).
Body of dw.pdf on A4 sheets, for duplex printing.
PDF format (never mind the extension).
A title page for Reinhold's original word list PDF.
Set in Liberation Sans to approximate the original's Helvetica.
Not related to the other files.
Install package liberation-fonts and add the directory
/usr/local/share/fonts/Liberation to TROFFONTS.
The .a4 files assume duplex printing where the paper is turned around
("tumbles)" along the short edge. After printing, cut each sheet in half
to make A5 sheets, then fold or cut each A5 sheet in the middle to produce
A6. Stack to form a book block and Lumbeck-bind it. The grain direction of
the A4 paper should be in the length. This is usually the case with
common printer paper. The direction carries over to the A6 sheets, which
makes pages easy to turn and is also proper for the folding and gluing.
If your printer cannot duplex-print automatically, this is how to do it
by hand. Assuming an A4 printer that pulls pages from a tray with their
short edge first, you will have to find out two things about your device:
- Does it print on the top or bottom of a sheet as it lies in the tray?
- Does it place the printed side facing up or down in the output?
As a test, you can mark a sheet on both sides, place it in the tray, and
print a single page. Mathematically, there are four cases to consider:
A. Prints on bottom, outputs face down:
- Print even pages (back sides).
- Pick up the stack and turn it around its short axis.
- Place it back in the tray.
- Print odd pages (front sides).
- Pick up the stack and turn it around.
B. Prints on bottom, outputs face up:
- Print odd pages (front sides) in reverse.
- Pick up the stack and place it back in the tray without turning it.
- Print even pages (back sides).
- Pick up the stack and turn it around.
- If there was an odd total of pages, the last sheet remains in the tray
because there was no back side to print on it.
C. Prints on top, outputs face down:
- Print even pages (back sides) in reverse.
- Pick up the stack and place it back in the tray without turning it.
- Print odd pages (front sides).
- Pick up the stack and turn it around.
D. Prints on top, outputs face up:
- Print odd pages (front sides).
- Pick up the stack and turn it around its short axis.
- Place it back in the tray.
- Print even pages (back sides).
- Pick up the stack and turn it around.
- If there was an odd total of pages, the last sheet remains in the tray
because there was no back side to print on it.
In cases B and D it is most convenient to start with an even total of pages.
Add an extra blank page at the end if necessary.