Commit Briefs

49b650bb07 Sven M. Hallberg

fix argument name in header declaration (authortime)

a9da0816e2 Sven M. Hallberg

fix order of header lines: from, via, date, orig

The from and via lines were deliberately adjacent before, so they should stay that way.

bfbb258b77 Sven M. Hallberg

tog log: show author dates if showing author names (@)

20a750ff94 Sven M. Hallberg

tog: show author date if different from committer date

dee3d788b5 Sven M. Hallberg

got: show author date if different from committer date

Shown as "orig:" in the output. Slightly adjusts a rebase regress test to the new output.

7e6fcaa813 Sven M. Hallberg

got rebase: preserve author dates

4b4fd6aa67 Omar Polo

do not talk about "SHA1 checksum"s in documentation comments

these functions are really taking a struct got_object_id or depend on the hashing algorithm of the repo so update the comments to match the reality.

338c18384a Omar Polo

regress: do not hardcode http port

d9048d75a8 Omar Polo


its only usage was removed in e77c4c9f24 but the define remaied. ok stsp.

d9e20cb75d Omar Polo

delete trailing whitespaces




.gitignorecommits | blame
CHANGEScommits | blame
LICENCEcommits | blame
Makefilecommits | blame
Makefile.inccommits | blame
READMEcommits | blame
TODOcommits | blame
got-dist.txtcommits | blame
got-version.mkcommits | blame


Game of Trees (Got) is a version control system which prioritizes ease
of use and simplicity over flexibility (

Got is still under development; it is being developed exclusively
on OpenBSD and its target audience are OpenBSD developers. Got is
ISC-licensed and was designed with pledge(2) and unveil(2) in mind.

Got uses Git repositories to store versioned data. Git can be used
for any functionality which has not yet been implemented in Got.
It will always remain possible to work with both Got and Git on
the same repository.

A Got release tarball will install files under /usr/local by default.
This default can be changed by passing PREFIX=/some/path to make.

A build started in Got's Git repository will install files under ~/bin,
which may have to be added to $PATH and be created first:

 $ mkdir ~/bin

To compile the Got client tool suite on OpenBSD, run:

 $ make obj
 $ make
 $ make install

This will install the following commands:

 got, the command line interface
 tog, an ncurses-based interactive Git repository browser
 several helper programs from the libexec directory
 man pages (only installed if building sources from a Got release tarball)

Tests will pass only after 'make install' because they rely on installed
binaries in $PATH. Any tests written as shell scripts also depend on git(1).
Tests which use the got clone, fetch, and send commands will fail if
'ssh' does not succeed non-interactively.

Tests for HTTP protocol support rely on the HTTP::Daemon Perl module.

 $ doas pkg_add git p5-http-daemon
 $ make regress

To test with packed repositories, run:

 $ make regress GOT_TEST_PACK=1

To test with packed repositories using the ref-delta representation for
deltified objects, run:

 $ make regress GOT_TEST_PACK=ref-delta

Because got unveils the /tmp directory by default using the /tmp directory
for test data can hide bugs. However, /tmp remains the default because
there is no better alternative that works out of the box. In order to
store test data in a directory other than /tmp, such as ~/got-test, run:

 $ mkdir ~/got-test
 $ make regress GOT_TEST_ROOT=~/got-test

The tog automated test suite is also run with 'make regress'.
Like Got, however, individual tests or the entire suite can be run:

 $ cd regress/tog
 $ make		# run all tests
 $ ./	# run log view tests

Man page files in the Got source tree can be viewed with 'man -l':

 $ man -l got/got.1
 $ man -l got/git-repository.5
 $ man -l got/got-worktree.5
 $ man -l tog/tog.1

EXAMPLES in got.1 contains a quick-start guide for OpenBSD developers.

To compile the Got server tool suite on OpenBSD, run:

 $ make obj
 $ make server
 $ make server-install

This will install the following commands:

 gotd, the repository server program
 gotctl, the server control utility
 gotsh, the login shell for users accessing the server via the network
 gitwrapper, like mailwrapper(8) but for git-upload-pack and git-receive-pack

See the following manual page files for information about server setup:

 $ man -l gotd/gotd.8
 $ man -l gotd/gotd.conf.5
 $ man -l gotctl/gotctl.8
 $ man -l gotsh/gotsh.1
 $ man -l gitwrapper/gitwrapper.1

See regress/gotd/README for information about running the server test suite.

Game of Trees Web Daemon (gotwebd) is a FastCGI program which displays
repository data and is designed to work with httpd(8).

To compile gotwebd on OpenBSD, run:

 $ make webd
 # make webd-install

This will create the following files:
  the daemon program /usr/local/sbin/gotwebd
  css and image files in /var/www/htdocs/gotwebd
  the gotwebd init script in /etc/rc.d
  man pages (only installed if building sources from a Got release tarball)

Documentation is available in manual pages:

 $ man -l gotwebd/gotwebd.8
 $ man -l gotwebd/gotwebd.conf.5

Got can be built with profiling enabled to debug performance issues.
Note that profiled builds cannot make use of pledge(2).
Profiling should only be enabled for one program at a time. Otherwise,
multiple programs will attempt to write to the 'gmon.out' file in the
current working directory.

For example, to compile got-read-pack with profiling enabled:

  $ cd libexec/got-read-pack
  $ make clean
  $ make PROFILE=1
  $ make install

Running any Got command which ends up using got-read-pack should now
produce the file 'gmon.out' in the current working directory.
The gprof2dot program can be used to generate a profile graph:

  $ doas pkg_add gprof2dot graphviz
  $ gprof ~/bin/got-read-pack gmon.out | gprof2dot | dot -T png > profile.png

Guidelines for reporting problems:

All problem/bug reports should include a reproduction recipe in form of a
shell script which starts out with an empty repository and runs a series of
Got and/or Git commands to trigger the problem, be it a crash or some other
undesirable behaviour.

The regress/cmdline directory contains plenty of example scripts.
An ideal reproduction recipe is written as an xfail ("expected failure")
regression test. For a real-world example of an xfail test, see commits
4866d0842a2b34812818685aaa31d3e0a966412d and
2b496619daecc1f25b1bc0c53e01685030dc2c74 in Got's history.

Please take this request very seriously; Ask for help with writing your
regression test before asking for your problem to be fixed. Time invested
in writing a regression test saves time wasted on back-and-forth discussion
about how the problem can be reproduced. A regression test will need to be
written in any case to verify a fix and prevent the problem from resurfacing.

It is also possible to write test cases in C. Various examples of this
exist in the regress/ directory. Most such tests are unit tests; it is
unlikely that a problem found during regular usage will require a test
to be written in C.

Please always try to find a way to trigger your problem via the command line
interface before reporting a problem without a written test case included.
If writing an automated test really turns out to be impossible, please
explain in very clear terms how the problem can be reproduced.

Mail problem reports to:

Guidelines for submitting patches:

Mail patches to:
Pull requests via any Git hosting sites will likely be overlooked.
Please keep the intended target audience in mind when contributing to Got.

Subscribing to the mailing list:

The mailing list is used for patch reviews, bug reports, and user questions.
To subscribe, send mail to with a message body of:
subscribe gameoftrees

See for more information.