commit eeb616b754913da958b9781aee9ed88db64e7162
from: Stefan Sperling <>
date: Fri Apr 14 21:04:42 2023 UTC

remove dependency of gitwrapper on gotd/listen.c

Move gotd_find_uid_connection_limit() from listen.c into parse.y and
remove listen.c from the list of source files required by gitwrapper.

commit - 1eb3899277955a87d80eef900b6ea458ff73bd6c
commit + eeb616b754913da958b9781aee9ed88db64e7162
blob - b5090f97c92dbb39058bb0025be416df747495c8
blob + 63098f02298c146e943e4011ce9ae7a50aa48d24
--- gitwrapper/Makefile
+++ gitwrapper/Makefile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BINDIR ?=	${PREFIX}/bin
 PROG=		gitwrapper
 SRCS=		gitwrapper.c parse.y log.c dial.c path.c error.c auth.c \
-		listen.c reference_parse.c hash.c object_parse.c imsg.c \
+		reference_parse.c hash.c object_parse.c imsg.c \
 		inflate.c pollfd.c
 CLEANFILES = parse.h
blob - 6453c5edd60a936a27ff6c705694973e711adb82
blob + da5659310b289bac96cef1db5c87299064a62cc5
--- gotd/gotd.h
+++ gotd/gotd.h
@@ -452,6 +452,8 @@ struct gotd_imsg_auth {
 int parse_config(const char *, enum gotd_procid, struct gotd *, int);
 struct gotd_repo *gotd_find_repo_by_name(const char *, struct gotd *);
 struct gotd_repo *gotd_find_repo_by_path(const char *, struct gotd *);
+struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *gotd_find_uid_connection_limit(
+    struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *limits, size_t nlimits, uid_t uid);
 /* imsg.c */
 const struct got_error *gotd_imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
blob - b51f18490312837f6627991cf323dc1e5bc2d7a6
blob + 63f3c3f406563f1f34146a9f83783402e5b94c5b
--- gotd/listen.c
+++ gotd/listen.c
@@ -177,26 +177,6 @@ find_uid_connection_counter(uid_t euid)
 	STAILQ_FOREACH(c, &gotd_client_uids[slot], entry) {
 		if (c->euid == euid)
 			return c;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *
-gotd_find_uid_connection_limit(struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *limits,
-    size_t nlimits, uid_t uid)
-	/* This array is always sorted to allow for binary search. */
-	int i, left = 0, right = nlimits - 1;
-	while (left <= right) {
-		i = ((left + right) / 2);
-		if (limits[i].uid == uid)
-			return &limits[i];
-		if (limits[i].uid > uid)
-			left = i + 1;
-		else
-			right = i - 1;
 	return NULL;
blob - e7a67532164502eb5ea8893b35007e6edf63ee36
blob + d20bd8e1a2325f8c8b80d5c1ce127eef7aafd525
--- gotd/listen.h
+++ gotd/listen.h
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@
-struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *gotd_find_uid_connection_limit(
-    struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *limits, size_t nlimits, uid_t uid);
 void listen_main(const char *title, int gotd_socket,
     struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *connection_limits,
     size_t nconnection_limits);
blob - 86df002974199b257619f65568a8d0fe77f560af
blob + a18d6c539c362ef359781888ef0c1a1995b2183f
--- gotd/parse.y
+++ gotd/parse.y
@@ -1121,6 +1121,26 @@ gotd_find_repo_by_path(const char *repo_path, struct g
 	TAILQ_FOREACH(repo, &gotd->repos, entry) {
 		if (strcmp(repo->path, repo_path) == 0)
 			return repo;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *
+gotd_find_uid_connection_limit(struct gotd_uid_connection_limit *limits,
+    size_t nlimits, uid_t uid)
+	/* This array is always sorted to allow for binary search. */
+	int i, left = 0, right = nlimits - 1;
+	while (left <= right) {
+		i = ((left + right) / 2);
+		if (limits[i].uid == uid)
+			return &limits[i];
+		if (limits[i].uid > uid)
+			left = i + 1;
+		else
+			right = i - 1;
 	return NULL;