commit bb9909862e9df2f70d97daf8e741633b29385f13
from: Sven M. Hallberg <>
date: Mon Oct 23 17:53:23 2023 UTC

expand notes on G4ILO version

commit - e120e3077e4df9dd212f227021d1ce56cb280770
commit + bb9909862e9df2f70d97daf8e741633b29385f13
blob - adad9020d88fa6a61a072cb205f6c70862cbd109
blob + 15febf1d5c3a83facadd5d06242337b6b3d1546e
@@ -108,10 +108,17 @@ Other implementations:
   - nothing increases "badness"
   - new characters are not added automatically
   - it's not using the postponed discrimination alphabet
-- Windows implementation by G4ILO
+- Lazarus implementation for Windows (Julian Moss G4ILO, 2003-2006)
-  Download includes source code.
-  References QST article, so presumably follows the original algorithm.
+  - References QST article, so presumably follows the original algorithm.
+  - Download includes Pascal/Lazarus source code (GPL).
+  - Based on Cunningham's Pascal version, seems pretty faithful to the original.
+  - Born out of frustration with FLTK version according to readme.txt.
+    GUI looks very similar as well.
+  - Number of starting characters depends on size of training set. E.g.:
+    - 3 if training only letters
+    - 4 if training letters and digits
+    - 5 if training letters, digits, and punctuation
 Own thoughts:
 - Automatic resounding creates tension because it gives an indication of