commit 2fa1ee118e7f181bdcf5fbdc43670ff169e2e902 from: Sven M. Hallberg date: Wed Nov 22 23:38:01 2023 UTC update README (portable version, supporting Linux) commit - a29471d25a84a96ed12b8a7b484a91f9073e95f5 commit + 2fa1ee118e7f181bdcf5fbdc43670ff169e2e902 blob - ec4735529d4697773c721996df54b219e2c44fea blob + cb0c98bab49586e16d3029d31af83023fabaf9c7 --- README +++ README @@ -7,9 +7,15 @@ How to build: $ make Designed to compile and run on OpenBSD. -Check out the 'portable' branch for Linux support. +This is the 'portable' version including Linux support. +Dependencies: + + OpenBSD: none + Linux: libsndio, sndiod + + How to use: $ ./morse -t @@ -79,6 +85,9 @@ Detailed table of contents: frequency and length. Applies envelope functions for clean sound without unwanted clicks. Used by morse and morseplay. + platform.h + Compatibility code to adapt to other platforms. + NOTES Background research, plans, and history for the teacher algorithm, other implementations, and the UNIX/BSD morse program.