Commit Diff

commit - 2bac640ef0b48e6ad7a239c30efd1f40dea37caf
commit + ba81fd47b2fc845a3b5e53e3203c9e67bca8fef7
blob - dd835e84fec59008d7c3219a6d67879906247244
blob + 2b72b70584f458631d9800269777c132a28b8287
--- ini_a.c
+++ ini_a.c
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ trace(void *ctx, void *env, const char *s, size_t len)
 	if (env == NULL)
 		return true;
+	if (env == NULL-1) return true;	// XXX benchmark
 	pos = s - begin;
 	printf("%4zx: %4zu byte %s\n", pos, len, nt);
@@ -173,6 +174,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if (input == MAP_FAILED)
 		err(2, "mmap");
+	// XXX benchmark
+	for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
+		inifile(input, input + sz, NULL-1);
 	/* run parser */
 	p = inifile(input, input + sz, (void *)input);
 	if (p == NULL) {
blob - 0c3683eb3845e8842f541548139e119e4fa502f6
blob + 1b3950f7c629dd6f556f022cdb590c93008588ef
--- minip_m.h
+++ minip_m.h
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ memo_(struct stream inp, struct cache *cache, void *en
 	/* grow hashtable if necessary */
 	if (cache->nused >= cache->capacity * 9 / 10) {
-		void *newp;
+		struct memento *newp;
 		size_t newcap;
 		size_t j;
@@ -267,15 +267,10 @@ memo_(struct stream inp, struct cache *cache, void *en
 			newcap = cache->capacity * 2;
 		fprintf(stderr, "XXX grow at %zu/%zu -> newcap %zu\n",
 		    cache->nused, cache->capacity, newcap);
-		newp = realloc(cache->table, newcap * sizeof *cache->table);
-		memset(newp + cache->capacity, 0,
-		    (newcap - cache->capacity) * sizeof *newp);
-		assert(newp != NULL);
-		if (newp != cache->table)
-			fprintf(stderr, "XXX TABLE MOVE!\n");
-		cache->table = newp;
+		newp = calloc(newcap, sizeof *cache->table);
+		assert(newp != NULL);
-		/* relocate items as necessary */
+		/* relocate items */
 		size_t count=0, count2=0;	// XXX
 		for (i=0; i < cache->capacity; i++) {
 			const char *pi = cache->table[i].position;
@@ -294,31 +289,28 @@ memo_(struct stream inp, struct cache *cache, void *en
 			/* find the correct place for it in the new table */
 			for (s=1; ; h+=s, s*=5) {
 				h %= newcap;
-				mem = cache->table + h;
-				if (h == i)			/* same spot */
-					break;
+				mem = newp + h;
 				if (mem->position == NULL)	/* unused */
-				//if (mem->symbol == NULL)	/* dummy */
-				//	break;			/* reuse! */
 			if (s != 1)
-			/* move the entry if needed, leaving a dummy behind */
+			/* copy the entry to the new array */
 			if (h != i) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "XXX relocate %zu -> %u %s\n",
+				fprintf(stderr, "XXX move %zu -> %u %s\n",
 				    i, h, h < cache->capacity ? "(!)" : "");
 				count++; // XXX
-				*mem = cache->table[i];
-				cache->table[i].symbol = NULL;
+			*mem = cache->table[i];
-		fprintf(stderr, "XXX had to move %zu/%zu entries, i.e. %.1f%%\n",
+		fprintf(stderr, "XXX pos. changed on %zu/%zu entries = %.1f%%\n",
 		    count, cache->nused, count * 100.0 / cache->nused);
 		fprintf(stderr, "XXX now %zu/%zu are off-base, i.e. %.1f%%\n",
 		    count2, cache->nused, count2 * 100.0 / cache->nused);
+		free(cache->table);
+		cache->table = newp;
 		cache->capacity = newcap;