commit - 9ff8c465fbd3eb44f85988f3249768e4caa91ab0
commit + b3dda3fe558da73e9b929790be8eb74afad337c6
blob - c1652fb3cecf649ef9f0fb67ec86c3f24c612e00
blob + 04e077d7770c356c450863f0601ea7238b17d119
--- pdf.c
+++ pdf.c
// XXX validate the presence of this field elsewhere
tok = dictentry(trailer, "Size");
if (tok == NULL || tok->token_type != TT_SINT) {
- log_message(5, "VIOLATION[5]: error parsing trailer section!"
- "Missing or malformed /Size field.\n");
+ log_message(5, "%s: missing or malformed /Size in trailer\n",
+ aux->infile);
Size = H_CAST_SINT(tok);
if (res == NULL) {
- log_message(5, "VIOLATION[5]: startxref not found\n");
+ log_message(5, "%s: startxref not found\n", infile);
goto end;
offset = H_INDEX_UINT(res->ast, 0);
// verify the offset recovered is bounded to be in the file
// XXX this check is already present below by virtue of h_seek()
if (offset > sz) {
- log_message(5, "VIOLATION[5]: startxref at %zu (%#zx) points outside the file\n",
- sz - i, sz - i);
+ log_message(5, "%s: startxref value at %zu (%#zx) points "
+ "outside the file\n", sz - i, sz - i);
goto end;
assert(offset <= sz);
res = h_parse(p_xref, input + offset, sz - offset);
if (res == NULL || res->ast == NULL || H_INDEX_TOKEN(res->ast, 0) == NULL) {
- log_message(5, "VIOLATION[5]: error parsing xref section at "
- "position %zu (%#zx)\n", offset, offset);
+ log_message(5, "%s: error parsing xref section at "
+ "position %zu (%#zx)\n", infile, offset, offset);