Commit Diff

commit - 0f4e0bbca959251f256a285d829b6517430e7401
commit + 7e15a2c893e203a68e2edce3688ffbecb938cd8e
blob - c4104284c0719a3b60be1879dd6c8dd397bb8b80
blob + 0b9e6dd947afa77208f13d812a1b3da2d1f5b74a
--- cw.c
+++ cw.c
@@ -252,6 +252,26 @@ cb_onmove(void *arg, int delta)
+	/* get config from the environment */
+	getenvpct("CW_AMPLITUDE", &amp);
+	getenvnum("CW_ATTACK", "ms", &rise);
+	fall = rise;	/* default */
+	getenvnum("CW_DECAY", "ms", &fall);
+	getenvshape("CW_ATTACK_SHAPE", &risefun);
+	getenvshape("CW_DECAY_SHAPE", &fallfun);
+	/*
+	 * These two parameters are supposed to account for the fact that the
+	 * low end of an envelope is inaudible while the high end is already at
+	 * full volume. So where does silence end and beep begin?
+	 *
+	 * The 'lowtime' variable represents time we consider spent in the
+	 * inaudible portion of an attack/decay ramp. Conversely, 'hightime'
+	 * represents the rest we consider "high" (audible) in attack/decay.
+	 */
+	lowtime = (rise + fall) / 2;
+	hightime = rise + fall - lowtime;
 	/* open sound device and negotiate parameters */
 	hdl = sio_open(SIO_DEVANY, SIO_PLAY, 0);
 	if (hdl == NULL)
@@ -288,27 +308,6 @@ cwinit(void)
 	if ((buf = malloc(bufsz * framesz)) == NULL)
 		err(1, "malloc");
-	/* get config from the environment */
-	getenvpct("CW_AMPLITUDE", &amp);
-	getenvnum("CW_ATTACK", "ms", &rise);
-	fall = rise;	/* default */
-	getenvnum("CW_DECAY", "ms", &fall);
-	getenvshape("CW_ATTACK_SHAPE", &risefun);
-	getenvshape("CW_DECAY_SHAPE", &fallfun);
-	/*
-	 * These two parameters are supposed to account for the fact that the
-	 * low end of an envelope is inaudible while the high end is already at
-	 * full volume. So where does silence end and beep begin?
-	 *
-	 * The 'lowtime' variable represents time we consider spent in the
-	 * inaudible portion of an attack/decay ramp. Conversely, 'hightime'
-	 * represents the rest we consider "high" (audible) in attack/decay.
-	 */
-	lowtime = (rise + fall) / 2;
-	hightime = rise + fall - lowtime;
 	/* register callback to track our position in the output */
 	sio_onmove(hdl, cb_onmove, NULL);