Commit Diff

commit - 6b473a45e0593273a08e2164e51fa23052d63254
commit + 3b1c57a08e0ae678850bad996672d98768e09f84
blob - 2aaaecc2e9d45cd6eb0bba01deb76049d231c968
blob + 7ed8ab9c1b29110d883c6e3d36b8344b3f1d6c69
--- cvg/cvg.c
+++ cvg/cvg.c
@@ -7907,8 +7907,11 @@ cmd_commit(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if (error)
 		goto done;
-	if (author == NULL)
+	if (author == NULL) {
+		/* got_worktree_cvg_commit() treats committer as optional */
 		author = committer;
+		committer = NULL;	/* => author timestamp is ignored */
+	}
 	worktree_conf = got_worktree_get_gotconfig(worktree);
@@ -8021,9 +8024,10 @@ cmd_commit(int argc, char *argv[])
 	cl_arg.repo_path = got_repo_get_path(repo);
 	cl_arg.dial_proto = proto;
 	error = got_worktree_cvg_commit(&id, worktree, &paths, author,
-	    committer, allow_bad_symlinks, show_diff, commit_conflicts,
-	    collect_commit_logmsg, &cl_arg, print_status, NULL, proto, host,
-	    port, server_path, verbosity, remote, check_cancelled, repo);
+	    time(NULL), committer, allow_bad_symlinks, show_diff,
+	    commit_conflicts, collect_commit_logmsg, &cl_arg, print_status,
+	    NULL, proto, host, port, server_path, verbosity, remote,
+	    check_cancelled, repo);
 	if (error) {
 		if (error->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY &&
 		    cl_arg.logmsg_path != NULL)
blob - 5607eff4903ac486cf8766910d0e6ea7a47f928a
blob + 0ea849834dcb2c8bdb84b998209dc58648b302d7
--- include/got_worktree_cvg.h
+++ include/got_worktree_cvg.h
@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
  * current base commit.
  * An author and a non-empty log message must be specified.
  * The name of the committer is optional (may be NULL).
+ * If a committer is given, a separate author timestamp can be specified
+ * which is ignored otherwise.
  * If a path to be committed contains a symlink which points outside
  * of the path space under version control, raise an error unless
  * committing of such paths is being forced by the caller.
 const struct got_error *got_worktree_cvg_commit(struct got_object_id **,
-    struct got_worktree *, struct got_pathlist_head *, const char *,
+    struct got_worktree *, struct got_pathlist_head *, const char *, time_t,
     const char *, int, int, int, got_worktree_commit_msg_cb, void *,
     got_worktree_status_cb, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *,
     const char *, int, const struct got_remote_repo *, got_cancel_cb,
blob - da97321077d9a4c57c2b10105cd568a1bc9c944e
blob + ba550d94227fc2d310d5e48355462f0c1ee487b3
--- lib/worktree_cvg.c
+++ lib/worktree_cvg.c
@@ -2229,8 +2229,8 @@ commit_worktree(struct got_object_id **new_commit_id,
     struct got_object_id *head_commit_id,
     struct got_object_id *parent_id2,
     struct got_worktree *worktree,
-    const char *author, const char *committer, char *diff_path,
-    got_worktree_commit_msg_cb commit_msg_cb, void *commit_arg,
+    const char *author, time_t author_time, const char *committer,
+    char *diff_path, got_worktree_commit_msg_cb commit_msg_cb, void *commit_arg,
     got_worktree_status_cb status_cb, void *status_arg,
     struct got_repository *repo)
@@ -2315,8 +2315,10 @@ commit_worktree(struct got_object_id **new_commit_id,
 	timestamp = time(NULL);
+	if (committer == NULL)
+		author_time = timestamp;
 	err = got_object_commit_create(new_commit_id, new_tree_id, &parent_ids,
-	    nparents, author, timestamp, committer, timestamp, logmsg, repo);
+	    nparents, author, author_time, committer, timestamp, logmsg, repo);
 	if (logmsg != NULL)
 	if (err)
@@ -2904,8 +2906,8 @@ done:
 const struct got_error *
 got_worktree_cvg_commit(struct got_object_id **new_commit_id,
     struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_pathlist_head *paths,
-    const char *author, const char *committer, int allow_bad_symlinks,
-    int show_diff, int commit_conflicts,
+    const char *author, time_t author_time, const char *committer,
+    int allow_bad_symlinks, int show_diff, int commit_conflicts,
     got_worktree_commit_msg_cb commit_msg_cb, void *commit_arg,
     got_worktree_status_cb status_cb, void *status_arg,
     const char *proto, const char *host, const char *port,
@@ -3046,7 +3048,7 @@ got_worktree_cvg_commit(struct got_object_id **new_com
 	err = commit_worktree(new_commit_id, &commitable_paths,
-	    head_commit_id, NULL, worktree, author, committer,
+	    head_commit_id, NULL, worktree, author, author_time, committer,
 	    (diff_path && cc_arg.diff_header_shown) ? diff_path : NULL,
 	    commit_msg_cb, commit_arg, status_cb, status_arg, repo);
 	if (err)