commit - d8d8053101292a72f634e4aa888e4c796f48c640
commit + 2c2a629300a971043a6fc54136a390d26e2e9ee6
blob - 77d5b6bd556b9520627cffeb59079dfcb82cad79
blob + 34735651bf862c735090f4a6682c53469d6466e6
--- mc5000.c
+++ mc5000.c
FILE *devf = NULL; /* serial port */
FILE *inf = NULL; /* input file */
const char *fname; /* input file name */
+const char *devfname; /* serial port device file name */
int mcu = 1; /* programming target */
+int vflag; /* verbosity */
int line; /* current line number */
int status; /* exit code */
-uint8_t checksum;
+uint8_t cksum;
static const char *lbltab[256];
static const int maxlbl = sizeof lbltab / sizeof *lbltab;
static int nlabel = 0;
+void write_byte(uint8_t, FILE *);
void emit_op(int, const char *, const char *, const char *);
void emit_op_lbl(const char *);
-void emit_byte(int); // XXX
+int read_result(int);
#define STR(X) matchstr(buf, rm, MATCH_ ## X)
#define CHR(X) matchchr(buf, rm, MATCH_ ## X)
usage(FILE *f, int x)
extern const char *__progname;
- fprintf(f, "usage: %s [-u num] [-l dev | -o file] [file]\n",
+ fprintf(f, "usage: %s [-v] [-u num] [-l dev | -o file] [file]\n",
/* handle command line options */
- while ((r = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:o:u:")) != -1) {
+ while ((r = getopt(argc, argv, "hl:o:u:v")) != -1) {
switch (r) {
case 'h':
usage(stdout, 0);
case 'l':
- if ((devf = fopen(optarg, "r+")) == NULL)
- err(1, "%s", optarg);
+ devfname = optarg;
+ if ((devf = fopen(devfname, "r+")) == NULL)
+ err(1, "%s", devfname);
outf = devf;
case 'o':
"expects a single digit MCU number",
optarg, r);
+ case 'v':
+ vflag++;
+ break;
usage(stderr, 1);
if (tcsetattr(fileno(devf), TCSAFLUSH, &t) != 0)
err(1, "tcsetattr");
- emit_byte(0x7F); /* start code */
- emit_byte(0x30 + mcu); /* chip id */
+ write_byte(0x7F, devf); /* start code */
+ write_byte(0x30 + mcu, devf); /* chip id */
/* process input */
/* finish programming */
if (devf != NULL) {
- uint8_t resp[3] = {};
+ write_byte(cksum >> 2, devf);
+ write_byte(0x7E, devf); /* end code */
- checksum = -checksum >> 2;
- emit_byte(checksum);
- emit_byte(0x7E); /* end code */
- /* read and validate response */
- if ((r = fread(resp, 1, sizeof resp, devf)) < sizeof resp) {
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof resp; i++) // XXX
- fprintf(stderr, " %.2X", resp[i]);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- errx(1, "short read (%d bytes) from board: %s%s", r,
- ferror(devf) ? "read error" : "",
- feof(devf) ? "end of file" : "");
- }
- if (resp[0] != 0x7F)
- errx(1, "unexpected response (0x%.2x)", resp[0]);
- if (resp[1] != 0x30 + mcu)
- errx(1, "wrong chip ID (0x%.2x) in response", resp[1]);
- if (resp[2] == 1)
+ r = read_result(mcu);
+ if (r == 1)
printf("MCU #%d: program accepted\n", mcu);
- else if (resp[2] == 0)
+ else if (r == 0)
errx(1, "MCU #%d: programming failure", mcu);
- errx(1, "MCU #%d: unknown result (%d)", mcu, resp[2]);
+ errx(1, "MCU #%d: unknown result (%d)", mcu, r);
return status;
+write_byte(uint8_t x, FILE *f)
+ if (f == NULL)
+ return;
+ fputc(x, f);
+ if (f == devf) {
+ struct timespec ts = {0, 10 * 100000L}; /* 10 ms */
+ nanosleep(&ts, NULL); // XXX could be interrupted
+ }
emit_byte(int n)
assert(n >= 0);
assert(n < 256);
- if (outf != NULL)
- fputc(n, outf);
- checksum += n;
- // XXX
- struct timespec ts = {0, 10 * 100000L}; /* 10 ms */
- nanosleep(&ts, NULL); // XXX could be interrupted
+ write_byte(n, outf);
+ cksum -= n;
emit_byte(OP_LBL << 2);
+checksum(const uint8_t *buf, size_t n)
+ uint8_t s = 0;
+ while (n-- > 0)
+ s -= *buf++;
+ return s >> 2;
+read_bytes(uint8_t *buf, int o, int n)
+ int i, r;
+ r = fread(buf + o, 1, n, devf);
+ if (ferror(devf))
+ errx(1, "%s: read error", devfname);
+ if (r == 0)
+ errx(1, "%s: no response from board", devfname);
+ if (vflag >= 2) {
+ printf("read_bytes:");
+ for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
+ printf(" %.2X", buf[o + i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (r < n)
+ errx(1, "%s: truncated message, %d/%d bytes", devfname,
+ r + o, r + n);
+struct message {
+ enum {RESULT, REPORT} type;
+ int source; /* MCU number */
+ union {
+ int result; /* result of programming */
+ struct {
+ int acc, dat; /* register values */
+ int prog; /* is MCU programmed? */
+ };
+ };
+read_message(struct message *m)
+ uint8_t buf[6];
+ read_bytes(buf, 0, 1);
+ if (buf[0] == 0x7F) { /* start code */
+ read_bytes(buf, 1, 2);
+ m->type = RESULT;
+ if (buf[1] < 0x30 || buf[1] > 0x39) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid chip ID 0x%.2X in "
+ "response\n", devfname, buf[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ m->source = buf[1] - 0x30;
+ m->result = buf[2];
+ } else if (buf[0] >= 0x30 && buf[0] <= 0x39) { /* ASCII digit */
+ read_bytes(buf, 1, 5);
+ m->type = REPORT;
+ m->source = buf[0] - 0x30;
+ if ((buf[5] & 0x3F) != checksum(buf + 1, 4)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad checksum 0x%.2X in report\n",
+ devfname, buf[5]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ m->acc = (((buf[1] & 0x0F) << 7) | (buf[2] & 0x7F)) - 1000;
+ m->dat = (((buf[3] & 0x0F) << 7) | (buf[4] & 0x7F)) - 1000;
+ m->prog = buf[5] & 0x40;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected byte 0x%.2X\n", devfname,
+ buf[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return m->type;
+read_result(int mcu)
+ struct message m;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (read_message(&m) == -1) /* junk */
+ continue;
+ if (m.type == REPORT)
+ fprintf(stderr, "spurious report from MCU #%d: "
+ "acc %d, dat %d, %sprogrammed\n",
+ m.source, m.acc, m.dat, m.prog ? "" : "not ");
+ else if (m.source != mcu)
+ fprintf(stderr, "spurious response from MCU #%d\n",
+ m.source);
+ else
+ break; /* success */
+ }
+ assert (m.type == RESULT);
+ assert (m.source == mcu);
+ return m.result;
blob - 68d770f61b16ef5842d5e462cdba5d61701aedb9
blob + a71c3fecf871c5cdc3961dfbcc942729d05fad2d
--- notes
+++ notes
-serial programming:
- both microcontrollers are directly connected to the TX and RX lines of the
USB serial chip.
+requesting MCU status:
+ 1. send chip ID (0x31 or 0x32)
+ 2. receive 6-byte report from chip:
+ a. chip ID
+ b. acc + 1000 = xxxxhhhh xlllllll (11 significant bits)
+ c. dat + 1000 = xxxxhhhh xlllllll (11 significant bits)
+ d. checksum over acc and dat
- a start byte followed by a chip ID indicates which MCU should receive/respond
- maximum program size: 255
3. send program
4. send checksum (over program)
5. send end code (0x7E)
-6. expect confirmation from chip:
+6. expect 3-byte confirmation from chip:
a. start code (0x7F)
b. chip ID
c. result (0x01 = success, 0x00 = failure)