Commit Diff

commit - 1d12105938ec9cbee8e5f64acfb855ae9cd4213f
commit + 2b528fbdf315ca85f18f9ed28a5fef1513039c7c
blob - c00fc34200488adfa00f95094ea88456e88858ef
blob + 5ad8aff4d99d0a16b38d8fb2c052603df75f1159
--- pdf.c
+++ pdf.c
@@ -1545,8 +1545,8 @@ act_Tf_op(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	else if (tokenType == TT_DOUBLE)
 		txte->fref.fontsize = (double) H_FIELD_DOUBLE(1);
-    // associate the text with the current state
-    txte->node = aux->curr_node;
+	// associate the text with the current state
+	txte->node = aux->curr_node;
 	return H_MAKE(TextEntry, txte);
@@ -1673,21 +1673,20 @@ HParsedToken *
 act_Tm_op(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	TextEntry          *txte = H_ALLOC(TextEntry);
-    struct Env         *aux    = (struct Env*)u;
+	struct Env         *aux    = (struct Env*)u;
 	txte->type  = TP_Tm;
 	txte->obj   = NULL;
 	assert((p->ast->token_type == TT_SEQUENCE) &&
-			(p->ast->seq->elements[0]->token_type == TT_SEQUENCE) &&
-			(p->ast->seq->elements[0]->seq->used == 6));
+	    (p->ast->seq->elements[0]->token_type == TT_SEQUENCE) &&
+	    (p->ast->seq->elements[0]->seq->used == 6));
 	for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
 		txte->fm.cell[i] = p->ast->seq->elements[0]->seq->elements[i]->seq->elements[0]->dbl;
-    // associate the text with the current state
-    txte->node = aux->curr_node;
+	// associate the text with the current state
+	txte->node = aux->curr_node;
 	return H_MAKE(TextEntry, txte);
@@ -2637,7 +2636,7 @@ init_parser(struct Env *aux)
 	H_RULE(text_ops, CHX(textstate_ops, textpos_ops, textshow_ops, text_inbetween_junk));
 	/* Text object */
-    HParser *txtobj = h_action(SEQ(txtbegin, h_many(text_ops), txtend), act_txtobj, aux);
+	HParser *txtobj = h_action(SEQ(txtbegin, h_many(text_ops), txtend), act_txtobj, aux);
 	H_RULE(txtobjs, h_many1(txtobj));
@@ -3967,53 +3966,53 @@ void parse_pagenode (
 	const HParsedToken *contents    = NULL;
-    // Initialize the page tree node
-    myNode->type               = PG_NODE;
-    myNode->parent_n           = parent_n;  // NULL for root
-    myNode->parent_t           = parent_t;
-    myNode->me_t               = myRef;
-    aux->catalog.lastNode++;  // keep track of the node count
-    aux->catalog.lastPage++;  // keep track of the page count
-    aux->curr_node            = myNode;
-    myNode->ts.node           = myNode;  // set the current page to me
-    myNode->ts.font           = NULL;
-    myNode->ts.char_spacing   = 0.0;
-    myNode->ts.word_spacing   = 0.0;
-    myNode->ts.line_spacing   = 0.0;
-    // locate the starting point at top left of a 8.5x11" paper
-    myNode->ts.curr_pos.tx    = 0.0;   // 8.5" = 612 points
-    myNode->ts.curr_pos.ty    = 0.0; // 11"  = 792 points
-    myNode->pn.dict            = myDict;
-    myNode->nodeNum            = aux->catalog.lastNode;
-    myNode->pn.page_num        = aux->catalog.lastPage;
-    myNode->pn.textStream      = NULL;
-    // initialize by inheriting -- override with local
-    myNode->pgRsrc             = parent_n->pgRsrc;
-    myNode->mediaBox.tx        = parent_n->mediaBox.tx;
-    myNode->mediaBox.ty        = parent_n->mediaBox.ty;
+	// Initialize the page tree node
+	myNode->type               = PG_NODE;
+	myNode->parent_n           = parent_n;  // NULL for root
+	myNode->parent_t           = parent_t;
+	myNode->me_t               = myRef;
+	aux->catalog.lastNode++;  // keep track of the node count
+	aux->catalog.lastPage++;  // keep track of the page count
+	aux->curr_node            = myNode;
+	myNode->ts.node           = myNode;  // set the current page to me
+	myNode->ts.font           = NULL;
+	myNode->ts.char_spacing   = 0.0;
+	myNode->ts.word_spacing   = 0.0;
+	myNode->ts.line_spacing   = 0.0;
+	// locate the starting point at top left of a 8.5x11" paper
+	myNode->ts.curr_pos.tx    = 0.0;   // 8.5" = 612 points
+	myNode->ts.curr_pos.ty    = 0.0; // 11"  = 792 points
+	myNode->pn.dict            = myDict;
+	myNode->nodeNum            = aux->catalog.lastNode;
+	myNode->pn.page_num        = aux->catalog.lastPage;
+	myNode->pn.textStream      = NULL;
+	// initialize by inheriting -- override with local
+	myNode->pgRsrc             = parent_n->pgRsrc;
+	myNode->mediaBox.tx        = parent_n->mediaBox.tx;
+	myNode->mediaBox.ty        = parent_n->mediaBox.ty;
-    const HParsedToken *item        = NULL;
-    item = dictentry(myDict, "Parent");
-    bool matched = false;
-    if (item && parent_t) { // neither item nor parent_t should be NULL
-       assert(item->token_type == TT_Ref);
-       if ( ( ((Ref*)item->user)->nr == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->nr ) &&
-             ( ((Ref*)item->user)->gen == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->gen ) ) {
-            matched = true;
-        }
-    }
-    if (! matched) {
-        fprintf(stdout, "parse_pagenode: Inconsistent or corrupt parent key!\n");
-        fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from caller) =\n");
-        h_pprintln(stdout, parent_t);
-        fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from node) =\n");
-        h_pprintln(stdout, item);
+	const HParsedToken *item        = NULL;
+	item = dictentry(myDict, "Parent");
+	bool matched = false;
+	if (item && parent_t) { // neither item nor parent_t should be NULL
+		assert(item->token_type == TT_Ref);
+		if (( ((Ref*)item->user)->nr == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->nr ) &&
+		    ( ((Ref*)item->user)->gen == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->gen )) {
+			matched = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (! matched) {
+		fprintf(stdout, "parse_pagenode: Inconsistent or corrupt parent key!\n");
+		fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from caller) =\n");
+		h_pprintln(stdout, parent_t);
+		fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from node) =\n");
+		h_pprintln(stdout, item);
-        // just continue for now
-        return;
-    }
+		// just continue for now
+		return;
+	}
@@ -4137,48 +4136,48 @@ parse_pagetree(
 	// Initialize the page tree node
-    myNode->type     = PG_TREE;
-    myNode->parent_n = parent_n;  // NULL for root
-    myNode->parent_t = parent_t;
-    myNode->me_t     = myRef;
-    aux->catalog.lastNode++;  // keep track of the node count
-    myNode->nodeNum  = aux->catalog.lastNode;
-    if (parent_n) { // inheritable if in a tree node
-        myNode->pgRsrc      = parent_n->pgRsrc;
-        myNode->mediaBox.tx = parent_n->mediaBox.tx;
-        myNode->mediaBox.ty = parent_n->mediaBox.ty;
-    }
-    else {
-        myNode->pgRsrc      = NULL;
-        myNode->mediaBox.tx = 0;
-        myNode->mediaBox.ty = 0;
-    }
+	myNode->type     = PG_TREE;
+	myNode->parent_n = parent_n;  // NULL for root
+	myNode->parent_t = parent_t;
+	myNode->me_t     = myRef;
+	aux->catalog.lastNode++;  // keep track of the node count
+	myNode->nodeNum  = aux->catalog.lastNode;
+	if (parent_n) { // inheritable if in a tree node
+		myNode->pgRsrc      = parent_n->pgRsrc;
+		myNode->mediaBox.tx = parent_n->mediaBox.tx;
+		myNode->mediaBox.ty = parent_n->mediaBox.ty;
+	}
+	else {
+		myNode->pgRsrc      = NULL;
+		myNode->mediaBox.tx = 0;
+		myNode->mediaBox.ty = 0;
+	}
-    // make sure that the parent node matches
-    const HParsedToken *item       = NULL;
+	// make sure that the parent node matches
+	const HParsedToken *item       = NULL;
 	item = dictentry(myDict, "Parent");  // if root node ==> parent should be NULL
 	bool matched = false;
 	if (item && parent_t) {
-        if ( ( ((Ref*)item->user)->nr == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->nr ) &&
-             ( ((Ref*)item->user)->gen == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->gen ) ) {
-            matched = true;
-        }
+		if (( ((Ref*)item->user)->nr == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->nr ) &&
+		    ( ((Ref*)item->user)->gen == ((Ref*)parent_t->user)->gen )) {
+			matched = true;
+		}
 	else {   // either the parent is the page tree root or the node does not have a valid Parent key
-	    if (item == parent_t) {// if item is NULL, we expect parent_t to also be NULL (==> root)
-	        matched = true;
-	    }
+		if (item == parent_t) {// if item is NULL, we expect parent_t to also be NULL (==> root)
+			matched = true;
+		}
 	if (! matched) {
-        fprintf(stdout, "parse_pagetree: Inconsistent or corrupt parent key!\n");
-        fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from caller) =\n");
-        h_pprintln(stdout, parent_t);
-        fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from node) =\n");
-        h_pprintln(stdout, item);
+		fprintf(stdout, "parse_pagetree: Inconsistent or corrupt parent key!\n");
+		fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from caller) =\n");
+		h_pprintln(stdout, parent_t);
+		fprintf(stdout, "Parent (from node) =\n");
+		h_pprintln(stdout, item);
-        // just continue for now
-        return;
+		// just continue for now
+		return;
@@ -4255,10 +4254,10 @@ parse_pagetree(
 	HCountedArray  *pgTable = H_CAST_SEQ(kids);
 	size_t          pgtSz   = pgTable->used;
 	if (pgtSz != myNode->pt.numPages) {
-	    fprintf(stdout, "parse_pagetree: Size mismatch:: "
-	            "Kids array size = %lu, Page Count in node = %u\n",
-	            pgtSz, myNode->pt.numPages);
-	    // continue processing the pages
+		fprintf(stdout, "parse_pagetree: Size mismatch:: "
+		    "Kids array size = %lu, Page Count in node = %u\n",
+		    pgtSz, myNode->pt.numPages);
+		// continue processing the pages
 	myNode->  = (PtNode_T*)h_arena_malloc(pgTable->arena, pgtSz * sizeof(PtNode_T));
@@ -4309,8 +4308,8 @@ parse_catalog(struct Env *aux, const HParsedToken *roo
 	aux->catalog.catalog    = NULL;
 	aux->catalog.pRoot      = NULL;
 	aux->catalog.lastPage  = 0;
-    aux->catalog.lastNode  = 0;
-    // Initialize the xobject structure
+	aux->catalog.lastNode  = 0;
+	// Initialize the xobject structure
 	aux-> = NULL;
 	aux->catalog.xObjs.node = NULL;
 	aux-> = NULL;