Commit Briefs

af40e65415 Sven M. Hallberg

build products (main, tags/revB)

3ed0a3494c Sven M. Hallberg


cbe9506ccb Sven M. Hallberg

support building with other word lists

1e829e7fb6 Sven M. Hallberg

add dys2p and eff word lists

27ed2679ec Sven M. Hallberg

rev. A, regen output (tags/revA)

0e4c8146af Sven M. Hallberg

tweak quote formatting

ac31214564 Sven M. Hallberg

calmer style for instruction page

02e5494b78 Sven M. Hallberg

wider margins for front and back matter

851b54f64f Sven M. Hallberg

more README tweaks

faa9306998 Sven M. Hallberg

README tweak re folding/cutting

9fe9b0a10c Sven M. Hallberg

README tweak re title.pdf

0b74e929b0 Sven M. Hallberg

add generated files, gitignore others

f227efd6e4 Sven M. Hallberg

initial import

- troff sources - word lists: original, beale, german - xkcd strip (png, svg, eps) - Makefile - README